Salem, 4th July, 2021
Gravitational waves were predicted by Albert Einstein about 100 years ago and they are
dynamical ripples in the fabric of space-time when a collision happens between celestial
bodies, which is similar to the ripples formed when the surface of the water is disturbed. It was
first detected in 2016 by LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) when
two black holes merged into one bigger black hole nearly, at the speed of light. Recently,
researchers of UK’s Strathclyde University discovered gravitational waves having their origin
from the collision of a black hole and a neutron star (NS-BH). This particular detection
confirms the presence of populations of binary systems in the universe, wherein two closely
positioned astronomical bodies orbit each other due to their gravitational attraction. They also
help in solving the mysterious formations of black holes and neutron stars that are both
massive compared to the Sun. As these detectors are further made sensitive to light and
vibrations, researchers expect to witness more such collisions in the near future. These
discoveries are expected to provide answers regarding star formation, stellar evolution,
the expansion rate of the universe, and a plethora of supplementary questions pertaining to the
Written by Sasmitha Kumaravadivel
Research Intern, Stambh Organization India
