Our Team
Stambh Oraganization is a youth run, youth based and youth inclined organization. We believe that Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision, teamwork can do wonders. We provide platform to everyone and we give opportunity to every young enthusiast who is eager to work for the society. The Stambh Organization comprises of various departments that work in unison with the executive committee. The permanent Departments are HR (Human Resource) Department , PR ( Public relations) Department, Research Department, Planning Cell, Internal Grievance cell, Teaching Department and Activities cell.
Senior Leadership

Ankit Anand
Co-Founder & Vice-President
Law Student, Author & Social Worker, Member of All India Legal History Congress, National level Debater.
#prathamsingh thakur
#pratham singh thakur
#aashayein 20222
#aashayein event
#pratham thakur
#pratham ngo

Prathamsingh Thakur
Co-Founder & President
Student at IIM Sirmaur, Entreprenuer, National Level Sportsperson, Renowned Public speaker and research enthusiast.

Bhavika Chandaliya
National Secretary
Law Student & Social Worker, Team builder, working on Zero hunger and working for needy children.

Aarohi Adbe
Head of PR & Social Media
Law Student & Social worker, Working on gender equality and women's rights in India, Researcher.

Himanshu Chelani
Head of Nagpur Team
Engineer, Teacher & Social Worker, Founder of Chelani's Academy, Child rights activist.

Purva Nirvikar
Administration Head
Fashion Designer & Social Worker, Founder of Purva's Closet, Fashion enthusiast.

Nayan Thakre
Senior Executive Member
Engineer & Social Worker, Team builder, working on ground for underprivileged children.

Naval Inamdar
IT Professional & Social Worker, Animal Rights Activist, National Level Chess Player.

Vaibhavi Mungle
Media professional and Social Worker, Actor, Assistant Casting Director at Ankita bajaj, Drama enthusiast.

Ashish Sahuji
Senior Executive Member
Engineer & Social Worker, Intellect, motivational speaker.

Kaushal Singh
Head of Delhi Team
Law Student & Social Worker, Debater, runs of various MUNs.

Asmita Thakur
Executive Member of PR
Student & Social Worker, Influencer, Vlogger.